STEM Careers
Year 7–13
The future is bright! Ākonga are inspired to keep taking science and maths subjects through college, and given a taste of the real world with workplace visits and motivating career talks from our incredible community of STEM industry partners.
We showcase leading Kiwi companies and STEM professionals with some of the coolest jobs around to open the eyes of our rangatahi to the limitless career opportunities at their fingertips.

Wonder Visit
STEM professionals from our partner organisations are invited to schools to host their own Wonder Visit. Each face-to-face visit includes a career presentation designed to inspire ākonga to see the wonder in STEM. And with visits from engineers who deliver power to our hapori and scientists who protect our whenua, they’re guaranteed to spark wonder in any school.

Wonder Experience
Wonder Experiences offer Year 11–13 ākonga the opportunity to visit inspiring Kiwi STEM companies to get a taste of the real-world, and help make informed career decisions for their future. And with partners in world leading STEM industries, Wonder Experiences are sure to give ākonga the knowledge and skills needed to pursue their dream job.
Skill shortage now
Many fields of engineering are on Immigration New Zealand’s long term, immediate and Canterbury skills shortfall lists.
Diversity in STEM
Women make up just 9% of New Zealand’s engineers, and Māori and Pacific Peoples a disheartening 9% and 4%.
Career aspirations
Not enough young Kiwis are aspiring to STEM jobs. In TEC’s Drawing the Future Report, just 1.8% of tamariki aged 7 to 13 wanted to be an engineer.
STEM at school
Over the past 10 years there’s been up to a 20% reduction in students being assessed for NCEA science and maths subjects.
STEM at university
In 2020, 9% of Aotearoa graduates at bachelor’s level or higher had studied engineering – compare that to the OECD average of 14% and we're lagging well behind.
Future needs
To keep supporting our economy, we’ll need at least another 2,300 engineers each year (plus keep the ones we already have). In fact, 80% of future jobs in Aotearoa will require STEM skills.

Shop resources
Keep the learning going! Support young Kiwis with our all-ages A–Z book on engineering concepts and free STEM career pathway information.