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Module 5: Innovate

By now, your second trial should be almost all grown up. This time, hopefully you can see a difference in how your microgreens grew! And even if they didn’t grow any better, we need to take a look at the difference in your results so we can figure out what did work best for your greens.

We’ll also bring your farm of the future design to life by continuing with the 4 D design process. Ka haere tātou!

Data dig 2.0

You should now have two sets of data – one for your first trial, and another for trial two. Your data sets hold the answer to growing magnificent microgreens and the challenge question, I wonder how to grow food sustainably?

Once again, we’re going to analyse our qualitative and quantitative data. But this time, we’re also going to compare it to trial one so we can form a conclusion on which trial worked better. Your conclusion should summarise what you have learned from your trials.

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Lab 5.1: Data dig 2.0

Grab your data from trial two and put on your STEM thinking caps – let’s analyse, evaluate, and form a conclusion on which of your trials worked better.

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Trial trivia!

You’ve learnt plenty plant-y things so far. But can you answer the burning questions in our quick-fire quiz round? Get into your rōpū. Choose a noise that represents your team. Listen to the quiz master and when you know the answer – make your noise to buzz in! The team with the most points at the end wins.

Develop a model of your farm of the future

Now for the third of the 4 Ds. Develop!

You’ve come so far and learned so much about what it takes to design and build a farm of the future. Now it’s time to harvest all your new knowledge and innovate your very own future farm model. This can be a digital representation, or a physical model made from recycled/reusable materials.

Develop a farm that will help you answer the key question, I wonder how to grow food sustainably?

You can use whatever you want to develop your model so think creatively about what materials or online applications you’d like to use!

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Lab 5.2: Develop your farm of the future

Bring your farm of the future designs to life by creating a physical or digital model. Make sure you keep the problem you’re trying to solve in mind, and remember what each part does. You’re going to present your creation to the class in the next module.

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Next week you’ll be having a shared lunch. Start thinking about what you’ll bring to share with the class.


That’s a wrap! Today you:

  • Analysed your trial two data
  • Evaluated your findings from both trials
  • Developed your farm of the future