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Module 6: Celebrate

Ka rawe! It’s time to reap the rewards of your hard work! You’ve successfully grown and harvested microgreens, created your own grow houses and designed and developed your farm of the future! Now let’s reflect on the journey, share stories and successes, and enjoy a shared lunch.


We’ve reached the last step of the 4 Ds – Deliver! The delivery stage is when you use your model to explain your solution to the challenge question. Today you’ll do this by delivering a presentation to your classmates and whānau.

Are you ready? Each team will have 5 minutes to take centre stage and showcase their marvellous creations with their audience. Support each other by listening and asking questions when other teams are presenting. At the end of the presentations, you get to vote as a class on your favourite idea.

Lab 6.1: Deliver

Time to show off your farm of the future model to your class and explain all its cool features. To start, spend 15 minutes thinking about the structure of your presentation.

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Kai time

It’s taken creativity, teamwork, problem solving and tender loving care for your microgreens to flourish and your farm of the future to take shape. Now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labour with shared kai.

What did you bring to test, try, taste and share? Did anyone bring a seasonal snack, or a home grown treat? Who added some microgreen magic to their meal? Did anyone bring something in recyclable packaging?

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Spring fever

Did you enjoy being a budding new grower? Growing your own food has lots of benefits and can be super rewarding. So, for those of you that want to branch out a little bit more, here are some cool plant-y projects to try out over the summer holidays. Spring and summer are the best seasons – so time to dig in and get planting!

Spring fever take home sheet

Get creative with some home grown goodness! Experiment with more microgreens, grow some veges for a salad, or step up your hydroponic game with a bottle garden!

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Share to win!

Make, then share a short video of your Plant Challenge experience with the wonder community and the Wonder Project Team and be in to win a super sweet prize!

I wonder how we can tell our story?

Videos and pictures can help your story come to life. Follow these guidelines to put together your video/photo reel.

  1. Start with a clear idea and the message you want to tell the audience. It’s okay to be clear rather than clever.
  2. Next, think about your script and your structure. Write out your ideas in a story board. Put your ideas in order. Think about a beginning, middle and end.
  3. Now, think about which visuals will bring your script to life.
  4. Shoot your video!
  5. Edit your video – tools like iMovie can help. Try and aim for a maximum length of 90 to 120 seconds.
  6. Share and upload your video to YouTube, or Vimeo and send the link to

Submit your video by 17 December


Over the course of the Plant Challenge you’ve discovered how plants grow, explored where our food comes from, grown your own microgreens, built your own hydroponic grow house and created your own sustainable farm of the future! Take these seeds of knowledge and keep on growing!